On behalf of the governors, staff and children it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website.
This site aims to give our parents, and those parents new to the school, some current information about us. We aim to build on our relationship with parents to ensure that we improve our communication with you. Our hope is that together we will continue to raise standards for all our children.
If you have any suggestions you would like us to consider please email us on admin@wormleyprimary.co.uk or, if you prefer, call in or write a note to the Head Teacher, Mrs T. Gaiteri, outlining your ideas. Our address is on our contact us page.
If you need further information about anything you have seen on this website please do not hesitate to talk, in person, to any of the teaching or non-teaching staff.
Mrs Tracy Gaiteri
Head Teacher
We are delighted to announce that the children raised £5,331.40 from the ...
On Tuesday 25th March, former British gymnast and Commonwealth medallist, Steve Frew ...
We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about ...
We are trying hard to encourage healthy eating including eating vegetables and ...
Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership - Digital Girls Football Partnership have ...
The children had a wonderful afternoon with Banji Alexander, an exciting new ...
Congratulations to our Y5&6 football and netball teams on their recent success ...