Spring is our reading challenge term.
For the children, the challenge is on…. How many books can they read this term? How many authors can they try? Can they read equal amounts of non-fiction to fiction?
We are encouraging our children and their families to stretch themselves with a reading challenge over this Spring Term.
The aim is for every child to read daily, from a range of sources: books, newspapers, comics, adverts, magazines, myON, Epic! the internet etc.
Children in Y1-6 must keep a record of their reading. Children in Y2-6 can quiz on Accelerated Reader to develop their comprehension and improve their reading age. Teachers will be looking for children to reward by putting their name
forward for a limited edition Wormley Reader Bear and other prizes.
Don’t forget to record reading together in the children’s reading records as these are vital as evidence in assessing children’s reading to see if they read widely and with commitment to a book