Hello parents and carers.
Can we start by sending a huge thank you to all for supporting the children with their learning at home. Learning from home has certainly presented challenges to all of us. Trying to be a parent/carer and a personal tutor and manage the other challenges as a result of the pandemic, is tough. Nevertheless, there have been some amazing examples of creativity and resilience demonstrated by children, families and the teaching staff. Together our learning community is making the best of a very challenging situation!
We appreciate that accessing learning online can be very difficult for a number of reasons and we do not anticipate this will get much easier the longer schools are closed. To try and help we have put together a few FAQs about some of the common challenges being experienced by families. The FAQs have been arranged in phases but they possibly apply to all children. After the FAQs there are some helpful links to curriculum and wellbeing support.
We hope these help and, above all, we hope you are all safe and well.
We are ready to support those who need us this week.
If your work is critical to the Covid-19 response or you work in one of the critical sectors and you cannot keep the children safe at home, then your children will be prioritised for education.
However, many parents who work in these sectors may be able to keep their children safe at home.
If it is possible for your children be at home, then they should remain there.
Next week is Science Week and we will looking at George’s Marvellous Medicine. We have lots of exciting investigations planned.
One of our investigations requires the children to use a leg of a pair of tights. If anyone has an old pair of tights (too small, not used anymore, slightly laddered) that you wouldn’t mind donating to us, please could you let us have them by Tuesday morning.
Please could you spread the message with other parents that don’t receive the blog. We will need around 30 pairs of tights.
Many Thanks
Year 3 Team
Year 3 have had a busy half term. They have thoroughly enjoyed the Harry Potter Topic and have created some lovely writing linked to the story. They have created their very own wands and a Marauders map using the 8 points of the compass.
In Maths we have been learning about multiplication and worded maths problems. This week we have created bar graphs and pictograms using data the children collected. This linked to our computing where we created graphs in Google sheets.
In Science we have been learning about nutrition and the skeletal system in both humans and animals. The children enjoyed creating a healthy menu and making muscles.
PE will be moving to Thursdays until Easter.
Please continue to practice times tables at home every week. A range of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 will be tested weekly.
Spellings will be sent home weekly and please read with your child at least 5 times and week. Make sure you record and sign their reading record!
Thanks for your continued support
Year 3 Team
This term has already been jammed packed with super learning.
In English, we have read ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman and have produced writing focused on speech punctuation. We are now looking at a non-fiction text about a spy keyring. The children have shown great imagination to describe what their keyring will do. James Bond – beware!
In maths, we have spent the last few weeks learning about measures. This week has been focused on time. We have been quite concerned with the amount of children that are unable to tell the time on an analogue clock. If you are able to support this key life skill at home, we would appreciate it. Our focus in Year 4 is to convert 12 hour clock to 24 hour which has been very difficult as many do not know the basics.
In history, the children have learnt about the Romans and their impact on Britain and have been able to make comparisons with life in Roman and Celtic times.
In science , we have begun to look at sound and where it comes from. This has been a great link to our music sessions with a dedicated music teacher.
Upcoming events:
Next week, Roving Books are visiting the school on Thursday. Each year group will have time to browse the books available and there will be time after school for parents to look too. More details will be emailed.
Fair Trade enrichment day – Friday 14th February. The whole school will be undertaking different tasks linked to their area of Fair Trade. Year 4 will be looking at sugar.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 4 team