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Recent Posts

  • #Youbelong

    Lat week all the children participated in a belonging project #youbelong. We wanted everyone to feel proud of who they are, their background and their interests.  It was…

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  • Sports Events

    Congratulations to the Football A Team who who were runners-up last week at Cranbourne School. The boys were unbeaten until the final where they narrowly lost 0-1 to…

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  • Science Week 2024

    We have all enjoyed an amazing science week Nursery-Y4 investigated animals including humans and living things and their habitats. We had a visit from Safari Pete on Wednesday…

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  • Safe Learn Respect

    A group of Year 5 & 6 children wrote and recorded a song for our school. The song is the children’s message to each other about how to…

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    We are sharing a photo of our new sports kits: football kit, running kit and netball skorts/shorts were purchased partly using money raised from the sale of pre-loved…

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Year 3 – Spring Term


We have had a great first week back and the children loved the trip to Warner Brothers Studios today. I’m sure the children will tell you all about the amazing sets, costumes, props and scary creatures, especially the fire breathing dragon and giant spiders.

This half term we will be learning about animal and human nutrition and skeletons/bones in science.

In RE we will look at beliefs and practices, including key celebrations.

In Maths we will start by learning how to use column subtraction.

In English we are going to be writing a conquering monster tale and an information text about dragons.

Please continue to read daily at home and practice spellings and times table.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the lovely gifts we received at the end of last term!


Thank you for your continued support

Year 3 team

Christmas Market Friday

A reminder that Wormley Primary is hosting a Christmas Market on Friday 13th December. The doors open at 3:15 and admission is free. 
  • Santa’s Grotto  
  • Refreshments (tea, coffee, cakes, mince pies, luxury hot chocolate)
  • Christmas calendars/books
  • Reindeer food
  • Reindeer cones
  • Face painting 
  • Kids arts and crafts  
  • Hook a Duck
  • Guess the sweeties in the jar
  • Guess the name of the teddy 
  • Retro sweets for sale 
  • Raffle  
  •  Art for sale  
  • Local businesses  

There will be experienced Christmas market stall holders as well as stalls run by the children of Broxbourne Secondary and Wormley Primary School. All the money raised goes to the children’s partner charities Breathe Easy and Forever Ahead Community.

Please come and join in the fun!

Christmas Raffle


Our Christmas Raffle is back! There are many good quality prizes to be won which are on display in front reception. Tickets are £1 and can be purchased on the playground or front front reception.

Dates for diary – Year 3


Year 3 have a very busy end to the term. These are some important dates for the diary:

On Tuesday 10th December, as part of our DT topic, we will be making sandwiches for an afternoon tea for school volunteers.

Messy Church is straight after school in the KS2 hall.

Friday 13th December is Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.

Tuesday 17th December any children who take part in Rock Steady music lesson will be performing in an assembly. Parents assembly is at 3.15pm in the KS1 hall.

Wednesday 18th December children will be watching the panto ‘Aladdin’ at the Spotlight. Please drop your children off at 9.30am. They will need a healthy snack and drink for the interval. Please note that the children will have PE that afternoon so make sure they bring their kit the day before.

Friday 20th December there will be a Christingle service. It is the end of term so school will finish at 1.30pm.

Reminder: Our Harry Potter trip is on Friday 10th January 2020. Payment is due on Monday 16th December.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 3 Team


Agent Creative


Our next agent in the spotlight is Agent Creative! Agent Creative uses the power  of imagination.

Click on the link below to watch the video of Agent Creative and listen to the story about the agent’s special characteristics.

Agent Creative Video:

If the link does not display on your mobile device, copy the link into your search bar or visit the Social Learning page of our website: