Our next agent in the spotlight is Agent Creative! Agent Creative uses the power of imagination.
Click on the link below to watch the video of Agent Creative and listen to the story about the agent’s special characteristics.
Agent Creative Video: https://tinyurl.com/yylas3ac
If the link does not display on your mobile device, copy the link into your search bar or visit the Social Learning page of our website: https://wormleyprimary.co.uk/social-learning/
As our pupils love TTRockstars and are committed to improving their timestable knowledge and recall, those in Years 2-6 are taking part in a competition this week called Rock Out 2019 and it’s all done online via the TTRockstars website.
All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count but only from games played between 7.30am and 7.30pm on Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th November.
For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, your child will earn their class a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the competition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the country as a whole will be the ones with the highest average.
In the spirit of the competition, please don’t play on their behalf but by all means encourage and support them to the extent that it doesn’t cause high stress levels or impact on family plans. We suggest a limit of half an hour a day outside school hours – some will play more, some will play less.
Thanks for your support and good luck everyone!
Can we remind all drivers who use the school car park before school to drop children off to Breakfast Club to drive slowly and considerately. There are two blind corners and only a single lane to access the car park. Recently there have been several reports of cars driving too fast and without due consideration of other drivers and pedestrians, including children, crossing the car park.
We appreciate that people have time pressures in the morning but if we are to continue to allow access to the school car park, safety to all must be assured.
Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Please can we remind parents / carers that, in accordance with our attendance policy, they are required to inform school of any pupil absence with a reason by 8.55am on the day of absence.
To make this more convenient, we have set up a new email address for this purpose: attendance@wormleyprimary.co.uk. Alternatively, our attendance telephone line can be used: 01992 303331 option 1.
Absence without explanation will be unauthorised. If the school is dissatisfied with the explanation provided, absence could also be unauthorised. Unauthorised absences could lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority.
A copy of the school’s attendance policy can be found on the policies page of our website.
Welcome back, I hope you all had a lovely break.
This half term in English we are writing an instructional text and creating an Egyptian Myth.
In Maths we will be learning different mental strategies to subtract and continuing to work on our times tables. Please continue to use TTRockstars at home.
In RE we are learning about identity and belonging. What it means to belong?
Our DT project will be designing and making sandwiches. We will be linking this to Maths and English.
Please read with your child every night and practice spellings and times tables.
Snacks for play time should be fruit or vegetables only. Children need to bring a water bottle to school every day.
Tuesday 12th November – Odd Socks Day(wear a pair of odd socks)
Tuesday 19th November – Messy Church (KS2 Hall)