Living History Day – Thursday 24th October 9.15 – 10.15am
This years Living History Day is only 2 weeks away.
Please join us in celebrating the children’s learning this term from their history topics.
Go back in time and experience life in Ancient Egypt, decide who was to blame for the Great Fire of London and investigate if the Vikings were raiders or traders.
Hope to see you all there.
Miss O’Riordan
Welcome to the launch of the Wellbeing Agents. The children have designed and developed four Wellbeing Agents to spread the message of the importance of a healthy mind and body. The Wellbeing Agents and The Learning Agents support the children with becoming Super Social Learners. Click here to watch ‘The Story of the Wellbeing Champs’.
Social Learners:
Story of the Wellbeing Champs:
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. To support children and young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day, we are holding a Hello Yellow Day in school. To start the day we are promoting excercise through a ‘fencing’ demonstration. Throughout the day classes will be learning more about the Wellbeing Agents and creating their very own positive message bookmark. You can support your children by asking them to tell you all about something they enjoyed today.
Just a reminder that the year 3 British Museum Trip is tomorrow (Thursday 10th October 2019).
Children will need to bring a packed lunch in a named carrier bag. No fizzy drinks or chocolate.
Children need wear full school uniform and a coat.
We need to leave promptly at 9 am in order to arrive for our workshop, so we will be opening to doors at 8.50 am. This will allow time for children to use the toilet and register before getting on the coach.
We are looking forward to a fun packed day learning about Ancient Egypt.
Thanks Year 3 Team
Wormley Church of England Primary School is committed to promoting healthy lifestyles, including healthy eating, exercise and well-being. We thank parents for their support with healthy packed lunches and we will continue to promote this with the children.
Today we are launching the ‘Wellbeing Champs’ with the children and to support this we have an updated message on snacks in school.
We have been promoting a healthy snack at break times, however this has become a little confusing for parents and, at times, difficult to manage fairly. To make things far more straight forward, snacks will be FRUIT or VEGETABLES ONLY.
This is already in place for children in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 and will now extent to Key Stage 2 after half term. This will make the school policy clear and consistent throughout. Until half term, the current KS2 policy of allowing fruit, vegetable or a healthy bar will continue.
For further information on food in school please follow this link
Thank you for your support.