A few dates for the diary.
3rd October – Harvest Festival. Please bring an item of food (packet/tin) and a coat.
10th October – British Museum Trip. Letters have been sent via email. Please send in reply slip and payment as soon as possible.
21st October (3.30-5.30 pm) & 23rd October (5-8 pm) – Parent consultations.
24th October Living History Morning. Children can dress as an Ancient Egyptian. (Pharaoh, pyramid, mummy, God etc)
Reading at Home: Just to clear up any confusion. Children are expected to read at home at least 4 times during the week. They must record in their reading records every time they read at home and an adult must sign it.
Thank you
Year 3 team
This September we have launched our Super Learning Agents. Click on the link below to watch our video introducing all 7 Learning Agents.
Online safety is increasingly important for children of all ages. Click on the link below for Herts for Learning Autumn eSafety newsletter where you find tips and information to keep your children safe online.
Your child can get a free lunch at school if they’re in Reception class, Year 1 or Year 2.
And if you register, the school could get extra money to help pupils.
Have your National Insurance number or Home Office number to hand when you apply.
Your child can get a free school meal if you receive any of the following:
Apply today if you receive any of these benefits. It takes 5 mins and in most cases you will be told straightaway if your child can get free meals at school.
Have your National Insurance number or Home Office number to hand when you apply.