We hope that the children are enjoying their first week in Year 3. Getting to know them all has been great!
Our history topic this term is ‘Ancient Egypt’ and we will be learning lots of interesting facts. We are looking forward to visiting the British Museum on Thursday 10th October where we will be able to interact with real life artefacts and mummies. Letters to follow soon.
Our Science topic this term is ‘Rocks’. We will be looking at how rocks are formed, what they are used for and how they change over time.
We have started our Maths learning with place value, recognising what each digit represents and ordering numbers to 1000. Please practice timetables with your child (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10) Use TT Rockstars as there will be activities and competitions for you to do at home!
We have started our English learning off with Poetry and the children have enjoyed exploring a range of poems by Roger McGough. Ask your child which one is their favourite! English will also include the story ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our bath’ by Jeremy Strong and we will be writing stories around this as well as writing instructions on how to mummify a Pharaoh. Beware, it is gruesome!
Please ensure you practice spellings with your child as they will be tested on these every Thursday. We will also be checking reading records, so please read a minimum of 4 times a week. This will be checked every Monday. Please make sure you sign the reading record every time they read.
PE is on a Wednesday so please ensure you come in with a clean kit.
Home learning needs to be completed weekly in the home learning books and given in on a Thursday.
As always we value helpers with reading, so please let a member of staff know if you are willing to help!
Year 3 Team
This morning was ‘Transition Morning’ when all the children get an opportunity to visit their new teachers and classrooms ready for next year. For Nursery and Reception children it was a chance to make new friends and, for some, a chance to visit Wormley Primary for the first time. It was lovely to meet our new families and greet siblings of some of our current families. Below are the slides from Mrs Gaiteri’s presentation to new Reception parents this morning.
The children had a fabulous morning and the teaching staff were all buzzing with the excitement of a new class.
The Year 6 children have spent the day visiting their new secondary schools which we can’t wait to hear all about tomorrow.
Looking forward to meeting all our new children next year. School starts back on Tuesday 3rd of September.
Year 3 will be performing a dance to Disney’s ‘Under the Sea’ from the Little Mermaid for the summer concert.
If children would like to rehearse the dance at home the link is Just Dance ‘Under the Sea’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH-7A3NVQbY
The children are very excited to be able to perform their dance to parents on Tuesday 23rd July 2019
Year 3 team
Year 3 have been asked to collect items for a hamper that will be sold at the summer concert. We are looking for donations for a BBQ hamper. There will be a sign up sheet on the door near the classroom tomorrow (Friday 28th June)
Items include: Cooking utensils, skewers. matches, marinades/sauces herbs/spices, corkscrew, bottle of beer/wine/soft drink, paper plates, napkins, cutlery.
You can bring in other non perishable items if you wish?
Any donations will be greatly received and all proceeds from the sale of the hampers will go back to the children.
Many thanks Year 3 Team
Year 3 have had a busy few weeks, investigating forces and magnets in science. Learning about decimals and fractions in Maths and creating a report in English about an extreme weather.
Next week in Geography they will be learning about extreme weather in the USA and how it effects the people that live in the affected areas.
Wormley’s Got Talent finals will take place on Friday 5th July 2019. We are looking forward to supporting our two class finalists.
Please continue to support your child at home by reading daily and helping them with spellings and times tables. Home learning is due in every Thursday until the 18th July.
Many thanks Year 3 team