School are involved in an exciting recycling project led by Paradise Wildlife Park. Our Pupil Parliament and art ambassadors will be working together to create a life-size lion which will go on display at the park in early Summer.
They have decided to build the lion from recycled plastic and eco-bricks (a plastic bottle packed tightly with clean and dry, non-biodegradable plastic waste). For this, they need donations of clean, plastic bottles and clean plastic (such as cellophane, crisp packets etc) please. You may want to make your own eco-brick at home over the Easter break.
Year 3 and 4 will be taking part in an inter-house sports competition next Wednesday 27th March. They will be taking part in either a Football, Netball, Basketball, Athletics tournament and will need to wear a t-shirt in their house colour, along with their PE joggers and trainers. Please make sure they have their water bottle in school.
The children will also have their normal PE and French lesson on Tuesday 26th March so please make sure they have their PE kit in school for both days.
Mrs Bolden and Mrs Wright
This morning, we launched science week with an owl display. Did you know that owls have soft feathers to fly silently? Did you know they can turn their heads about 270 dgrees? Look and listen out for more interesting information about owls this week!
We kicked off the half term with feel good week, where we did a number of fun activities, including Cosmic Kids Yoga and meditation with lavender eye masks.
Next week is science week! We have lots of fantastic activities planned, including a visit to Rye Meads Nature Reserve. Children will need to wear wellies and a warm coat. Please provide a healthy packed lunch. Children to be dropped off at 9.15am and picked up at 2.30pm. Any problems let us know.
Children have been learning the time, please help them at home as this is an important life skill.
Please continue to read at home at least 4 times a week. Make sure this is recorded in your child’s reading record. Practice spellings and times tables (3,48) as these are tested weekly. TTrockstars is a useful tool.
Thanks for your continued support
Year 3 team
The United Kingdom Chief Medical Officer has produced guidance which helps parents and carers think about the challenges of managing their children’s screen use.
For more details and further advice you might be interested downloading the full report , ‘Screen-based activities and children and young people’s mental health and psychosocial wellbeing’ https://assets.