Whatever their age, we can help you to find out more about what they might be doing online and give you practical advice on the steps you can take as a parent to keep them safe in their digital world.
Click on the link below for a short video to support you with keeping the children safe online.
Buying the right gaming device and helping children to understand how to use devices safely can be a challenge for modern parenting. The website page below gives parents 3 simple steps, a series of guides about gaming devices and some frequently asked questions to support you.
In Maths we have been focusing on division and have been working on worded Maths problems involving multiplication and division. In order for the children to be successful, they need a secure knowledge of their times tables.
As many are struggling to recall their 3, 4, 8, times tables facts quickly, we have set up a TTRock Stars battle of the bands between the two Year 3 classes. Please encourage your children to take part in the battle as this will benefit them in their learning.
Thanks for your continued support
Year 3 team
We hope that everyone had a really enjoyable and peaceful Easter break. Of course the great weather is scheduled to change as soon as the Summer Term starts!
On the one hand we look back at a very successful Spring Term which saw another amazing Science Week with owls visiting the school and then a trip to the Rye Meads Nature Reserve. There was also World Book Day which focused on reading and included a library loan session for children to borrow books from a newly purchased selection of books. All these experiences do really help further the learning of each and every child.
Looking forward, the Summer Term is certainly the business end of the school year. Summer concerts and sports day are on the horizon. We wish all children in Year 2 and Year 6 all the best with their upcoming statutory asesments.
As part of our continuing efforts to reduce waste and lessen our negative impact on the environment, the school is increasing the amount of its ‘paperless’ communication. The financial savings will enable the school to allocate additional funds to support teaching and learning for our pupils; we will also considerably reduce our environmental footprint by the reduction in our use of paper and other consumables. It also brings us in line with other local schools.
Many parents report that they do not receive letters, or that they find them at the bottom of book bags once they are out of date. It makes sense, then, that we review this method of communication.
What does this mean for parents?
What do parents need to do?