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  • Steve Frew will be visiting Wormley Primary

    We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Great Athletes event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be…

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    We are trying hard to encourage healthy eating including eating vegetables and fruit at lunchtime. It is quite hard work! However, it is very important to establish healthy…

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  • READING CHALLENGE TERM Spring is our reading challenge term. For the children, the challenge is on…. How many books can they read this term? How many authors can…

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  • Equal Access – Girls’ Football in Schools

    Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership – Digital Girls Football Partnership have awarded Wormley Primary a trophy for delivering equal access for girls’ football both within the curriculum…

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    The children had a wonderful afternoon with Banji Alexander, an exciting new author who burst onto the scene with his debut book, ‘Lockdown Looms: Reggie’s Birthday Party’. Banji…

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The theme for this Anti-Bullying Week  was Choose Respect.

The children revisited the definition of bullying. We teach the children about bullying using the word S T O P. Bullying is when someone treats another person unkindly Several Times On Purpose. We all watched a video explaining that bullying is an imbalance of power, how to report bullying and how to be an upstander.


On Tuesday we celebrated Odd Socks Day and reminded everyone the importance of celebrating our differences and what makes us unique. Celebrating Difference is also our topic in PSHE this half term.

Football & Netball results


Congratulations to our Y5&6 football and netball teams on their recent success in each of the A&B divisions at the John Warner Tournament.

The Football A team were winners and the B team placed third.  The netball A Team finished third and the B team second. This has been a most successful netball performance which is a credit to the Thursday after school club led by Mr Da Silva  and the dedication of the children.

Thank you to Mr Cox, Mr Da Silva, Mrs Wyatt and Mrs Jurkowska. Many thanks to the parents that helped with transport to and from the event.




Lat week all the children participated in a belonging project #youbelong. We wanted everyone to feel proud of who they are, their background and their interests.  It was part of our commitment to Hertfordshire’s Greater Representation project which aimed to address racial inequality and greater inclusion.

We had a brilliant day starting with the children sharing family trees, interviews of family members, food special clothing and lots of wonderful pictures. Each of the children wrote a small story about themselves celebrating how unique and special they are which was then shared with their peers. It was great to see so many parents join us at the very end of the day to visit classrooms. It was truly one of our special days. We hop to continue this in the future.

A big thank you to all the parents and wider family members who got involved and made the children’s experiences that much richer!



Sports Events


Congratulations to the Football A Team who who were runners-up last week at Cranbourne School. The boys were unbeaten until the final where they narrowly lost 0-1 to Rosedale. Excelent performances by all the team.


Well done to the netball squad who played in a tournament at John Warner this week. The squad continues to improve. The A Team won their first match and were very unfortunate not to qualify. Coach Da Silva and Julia continue to improve the children’s skill and knowledge of the game through weekly training.

Science Week 2024


We have all enjoyed an amazing science week

Nursery-Y4 investigated animals including humans and living things and their habitats. We had a visit from Safari Pete on Wednesday 6th March, who shared a range of animals including a tarantula, feeding snake, meerkat, scorpion, ferret a chameleon and large lizards.

Y6 focused on Evolution and Inheritance and took a trip to the Natural History Museum on Wednesday 6th March
Y5 studied on Earth and Space and visited the Science Museum on Monday 4th March