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  • #Youbelong

    Lat week all the children participated in a belonging project #youbelong. We wanted everyone to feel proud of who they are, their background and their interests.  It was…

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  • Sports Events

    Congratulations to the Football A Team who who were runners-up last week at Cranbourne School. The boys were unbeaten until the final where they narrowly lost 0-1 to…

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  • Science Week 2024

    We have all enjoyed an amazing science week Nursery-Y4 investigated animals including humans and living things and their habitats. We had a visit from Safari Pete on Wednesday…

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  • Safe Learn Respect

    A group of Year 5 & 6 children wrote and recorded a song for our school. The song is the children’s message to each other about how to…

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    We are sharing a photo of our new sports kits: football kit, running kit and netball skorts/shorts were purchased partly using money raised from the sale of pre-loved…

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Your PTA needs you!


As seen in the October newsletter….


A group of parents are keen to revive our parent teacher association known as Friends of Wormley School (FOWS) so are holding a meeting on Thursday 8th November at 9 am.

Come along for tea and toast in the Community Classroom. Bring other parents and carers along with any ideas for social events and fund raising.

With tight budgets, we are relying on your fund raising…….We need YOU!

PGL Liddington trip – September 2019


A reminder to year 5 parents that the deposit to secure your child a place on next year’s residential trip is due on Monday 5th November. Thank you to all those who have done this already. We hope to be taking as many of the current year 5 pupils as possible!

If you have any outstanding questions or wish to speak to us about any concerns, then please get in touch. We will be providing detailed information in the summer term and information meetings in September.

In the meantime, if you and your child would like to find out more, then we recommend the PGL website .There you will find details and photos of the activities and you can take a virtual tour of the centre itself.

Online Safety Newsletter- Autumn 2018


Summer18  Online Safety Newsletter

Click the link for the latest Herts for Learning online_safety_newsletter produced for Schools, Parents and Carers. For previous newsletters click here.

Parents Evening


Image result for parents evening

 Monday 22nd and Wednesday 24th October

Please see letter attached regarding Parent Consultation arrangements for this term. This information has also been emailed directly to parents and carers.

We look forward to seeing you all.

Parent Consultation Letter Oct 18

Wormley National Wellbeing Award


Wormley is continuing to work towards the achievement of the Well-being Award for Schools. You may have noticed some of the things we have been doing in school to promote positive emotional wellbeing and good mental health.  Here are a lucky 13 below:

  1. Daily Mile: Most days the children walk/run for 15mins to try and cover a mile a day.
  2. Daily Check-in: Children can indicate to their teachers throughout the day how they are feeling and if they need support with something
  3. Mindfulness: The children have dedicated time for personal reflection and stillness
  4. Enrichment days: These are dedicated days to wellbeing and mental health such as #HelloYellow Day. All day the children participate in activities to learn how to be healthy.
  5. Rights and Responsibilities: We choose to have rights and responsibilities instead of rules. At Wormley everyone has the right to be safe and healthy; to play & learn; to be respected and to be treated equally.
  6. Nurture groups: Children who need additional emotional support
  7. Manta Rays: Lunch time nurture support
  8. Advocates: Children have adults available to support them throughout the day
  9. Calm spaces: Throughout the school the children have designated spaces equipped with personalised resources where they can calm down or take some time to relax.
  10. Social Learning Agenda: Wormley school is working with Equipping Kids (formerly the Centre of Excellence for Social Learning) to develop the children and adults as effective social learners.
  11. Forest school: For whole classes and small groups to build confidence and a connection with nature
  12. Nurture Garden: A small playground for invited children to play confidently and makes friends
  13. Collective worship: Daily opportunities for the children to reflect and develop their spirituality based on the aims of the school and Christian values identified by St Albans Diocesan