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Recent Posts

  • Caring for the World

    Year 3 have been invited to write poems about caring for the world as home learning. Here is a poem from Kiera in Lobsters   I went to…

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  • British Athlete Visit -Steve Frew

    On Tuesday 25th March, former British gymnast and Commonwealth medallist, Steve Frew attended school to lead a fitness circuit and assembly for the children. Steve told the story…

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  • Steve Frew will be visiting Wormley Primary

    We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Great Athletes event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be…

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    We are trying hard to encourage healthy eating including eating vegetables and fruit at lunchtime. It is quite hard work! However, it is very important to establish healthy…

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  • READING CHALLENGE TERM Spring is our reading challenge term. For the children, the challenge is on…. How many books can they read this term? How many authors can…

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The Christmas hampers are back!


Tickets will be on sale, from Monday 3rd December until the Christmas fair on December 19th, to win one of these amazing treats! £1 per ticket or £3 per strip. Don’t miss out!

Bringing Up Confident Children with SEN


Image result for family lives


Bringing Up Confident Children for Parents of Children with Special Educational Needs

When: Wednesday 7-9pm (9, 16, 23, 30 January; 6, 13, 27 February; 6 March)
Where: Asda Stores Watton Rd, Ware SG12 0AD

Come and gain a new perspective on parenting your children by:
 Understanding your children’s behaviour
 Helping your children manage their feelings
 Learning new strategies to address challenging behaviour
 Exploring helpful and unhelpful discipline strategies & how these can help make a difference in your family life.

Contact Louise on 01163 666087 for more information or to book a place.

Choose Respect


Image result for choose respect

This week is anti-bullying week. We have been talking about choices and what respect means.

‘Respect is thinking about someone’s feelings, wishes or rights’.  We are encouraging children to choose to be a good ‘Upstander’ and uphold the school’s Rights and Responsibilities.

To promote anti-bullying The Dragons Apprentice Team are selling blue wristbands for £1 at the front reception. All money raised is going to their chosen charity. The children who still have a wristband from last year are encouraged to wear their wristbands this week stand up to bullying!

Messy Hair Day!


On Friday 16th November pupils can choose to come to school with messy hair (or a wig) for a £1 donation to the brilliant work that Messy Church do in school.
Prizes will be awarded!

Your PTA needs you!


As seen in the October newsletter….


A group of parents are keen to revive our parent teacher association known as Friends of Wormley School (FOWS) so are holding a meeting on Thursday 8th November at 9 am.

Come along for tea and toast in the Community Classroom. Bring other parents and carers along with any ideas for social events and fund raising.

With tight budgets, we are relying on your fund raising…….We need YOU!