We hope that you have enjoyed your first week in Year 3. Getting to know you all has been great!
We have kickstarted the year with our topic ‘Ancient Egypt’ and will be learning lots of interesting facts. On Thursday 13th September we will be entering the Science Dome at school to learn about the stars and gods. We are also looking forward to visiting the British Museum on Thursday 20th September where we will be able to interact with real life artefacts and mummies.
Our Science topic this term is ‘Rocks’. We will be looking at how rocks are formed, what they are used for and how they change over time.
We have started our Maths learning with place value, recognising what each digit represents and ordering numbers to 1000. Please keep practicing the timetables and keep your eye out on MyMaths and TT Rockstars as there will be activities and competitions for you to do at home!
We have started our English learning off with Poetry and the children have enjoyed exploring a range of poems by Roger McGough. Ask your child which one is their favourite! English will also include the story ‘There’s a Pharaoh in our bath’ by Jeremy Strong and we will be writing stories around this as well as writing instructions on how to mummify a Pharaoh. Beware, it is gruesome!
Please ensure you practice your spellings as you will be tested on these every Thursday. We will also be checking your reading records so please read a minimum of 4 times a week. This will be checked every Monday. Remember if you read a book you really enjoy put it on our reading stand with your review!
Rainbow words have also been sent home. Remember to learn to read them and spell them. When you are ready, let an adult know and you will be tested in school. Good Luck!
PE is on a Wednesday so please ensure you come in with a clean kit.
Home learning needs to be completed weekly in your home learning books and given in on a Thursday.
As always we value helpers with reading, so please let a member of staff know if you are willing to help!
Mrs Barton and Mrs Bolden.
We hope you had a lovely summer and are looking forward to the school year ahead.
We have many exciting activities and learning experiences planned – starting with our History Term.
Good quality items of second hand uniform are being sold on the KS1 playground and will also be available to buy at the summer fete.
If you have any items that have been outgrown or are no longer required, then please donate them to school. Thank you!