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  • #Youbelong

    Lat week all the children participated in a belonging project #youbelong. We wanted everyone to feel proud of who they are, their background and their interests.  It was…

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  • Sports Events

    Congratulations to the Football A Team who who were runners-up last week at Cranbourne School. The boys were unbeaten until the final where they narrowly lost 0-1 to…

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  • Science Week 2024

    We have all enjoyed an amazing science week Nursery-Y4 investigated animals including humans and living things and their habitats. We had a visit from Safari Pete on Wednesday…

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  • Safe Learn Respect

    A group of Year 5 & 6 children wrote and recorded a song for our school. The song is the children’s message to each other about how to…

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    We are sharing a photo of our new sports kits: football kit, running kit and netball skorts/shorts were purchased partly using money raised from the sale of pre-loved…

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Year 6 Leavers’ Service

Due to the hot weather, we are asking that parents drop children back to school after the leavers’ service tomorrow (rather than us all walk back as originally planned).
We will offer places on the minibus for those who can not get a lift with parents.
See you tomorrow: St Laurence Church 9am (9:15am start).

Second hand school uniform


Good quality items of second hand uniform are being sold on the KS1 playground and will also be available to buy at the summer fete.
If you have any items that have been outgrown or are no longer required, then please donate them to school. Thank you!

The hampers are back!


Raffle tickets are being sold to win one of these great hampers. Tickets cost £1 each or £3 for a strip and will be sold on the playgrounds and in the office this week. The draw will take place at our Summer Fair on Tuesday, July 24th.

School Matters: Transition Presentation



Thank you to all the parents of children starting nursery & reception in September who attended our School Matters sessions. Below are all the slides from each session with information for your reference.  If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school.




Trott house crowned maths champions!


The inter-house tournament in year 3 and year 4 is now complete. Trott are the winning house as they won all three of their battles. Well done!  Ennis house achieved the highest total points over the 3 rounds so big congratulations to those pupils too.

The TTRockstars website is available for all pupils in Years 3,4,5 for the next year to practise their times tables skills. The pupils are loving building their own avatars and beating their top scores.