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  • British Athlete Visit -Steve Frew

    On Tuesday 25th March, former British gymnast and Commonwealth medallist, Steve Frew attended school to lead a fitness circuit and assembly for the children. Steve told the story…

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  • Steve Frew will be visiting Wormley Primary

    We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Great Athletes event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be…

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    We are trying hard to encourage healthy eating including eating vegetables and fruit at lunchtime. It is quite hard work! However, it is very important to establish healthy…

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  • READING CHALLENGE TERM Spring is our reading challenge term. For the children, the challenge is on…. How many books can they read this term? How many authors can…

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  • Equal Access – Girls’ Football in Schools

    Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership – Digital Girls Football Partnership have awarded Wormley Primary a trophy for delivering equal access for girls’ football both within the curriculum…

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World cup sweepstake


Our Pupil Parliament are organising a world cup sweepstake to raise money for sports equipment for third world countries.
If you would like to take part and perhaps win a prize, then bring in £1. Teams will be drawn at random by the end of the week.

Trott House steal the show!


The year 5/6 inter-house maths competition is now complete with Trott House being crowned as champions! Although Farah House took victory in Year 6, Trott House achieved a larger lead in year 5 allowing them to take the overall prize.

Both year groups took part in a quiz which required them, in teams, to not only to calculate answers but also make estimations, draw shapes and remember mathematical information. Well done to everyone who took part! Your enthusiasm was amazing!

The year 3/4 inter-house maths competition (timetables) is still ongoing this month. Will Trott House take the prize again?

Class photos


Reminder: Class photos tomorrow!

Club photos will also be taken so would members of the football and netball teams please bring their PE kits including boots and trainers. Thank you!

Right Royal Party!


Image result for harry and meghan royal wedding cartoon

Dear Parents/Carers

Tomorrow, Friday 18th May, we will be holding a whole school tea party for the children to celebrate Harry and Meghan’s Royal wedding.  Weather permitting, this shall take place on the field, at 1.30pm. We are asking if you could kindly donate party food towards this event.

On the day children may come to school wearing red, white and blue or their full school uniform.

Thank you for your continued support.

Reading Challenge Term and Sponsored Read


Thank you to our community for supporting our Reading Challenge Term and Sponsored Read. So many of our children have really tried hard to read every day and extend their reading skills. Thank you to parents who make time to sit with their children and enjoy such a special time each day.

Winners of the family tickets for the cinema will be drawn next week.

So far we have raised nearly £700!    There is still time to send in any more sponsor forms…

This will enable us to buy more books for the class libraries and whole class reading texts so that children have their own book when reading together as a class.

Reading is the key to future success at school. Keep reading daily – read anything and everything, everywhere!

Our visiting author, Karen McCombie, really enjoyed her time at Wormley, saying,

“Thanks SO much for my visit – I really enjoyed it. And yes, I do tend to tell schools that I enjoyed my visit, but with Wormley I REALLY enjoyed it! What a lovely vibe the place has… the children were terrific! So relaxed and and bubbly and interested. And thank to you for making everything go so smoothly.”

We hope those who bought her books are enjoying reading them.