In the interest of safety, school will be closed tomorrow due to unresolved boiler issues and a forecast of further snow and icy conditions.
Win yourselves one of these themed hampers of goodies from around the world! 12 hampers are up for grabs in our festive raffle. Tickets cost just £1 and are available to buy throughout the week before and after school, at school events and at the school Christmas fayre on Friday 15th.
Our pupil parliament would like to say thank you to the whole school community -families, pupils and teachers – for their support of the Children in Need fundraising day. The school raised a massive £464 for the charity by wearing pyjamas for the day and selling cakes on the playground. Well done guys!
Parents and carers are invited to join us for another Tea and Toast morning at 9am on Wednesday 29th November in the Community Classroom.
This is an opportunity to pop in and chat with us about how we can work together to further improve the school. This time our Family Support Workers will also be there to talk informally about their role and how they work alongside families. You will also get a sneak preview of our proposed new school report format to comment on.
Please come along. Everyone is welcome.
Click here to read about Junior Dragons, Bikeability, the Christmas period schedule and much more in the latest school newsletter