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  • British Athlete Visit -Steve Frew

    On Tuesday 25th March, former British gymnast and Commonwealth medallist, Steve Frew attended school to lead a fitness circuit and assembly for the children. Steve told the story…

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  • Steve Frew will be visiting Wormley Primary

    We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Great Athletes event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be…

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    We are trying hard to encourage healthy eating including eating vegetables and fruit at lunchtime. It is quite hard work! However, it is very important to establish healthy…

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  • READING CHALLENGE TERM Spring is our reading challenge term. For the children, the challenge is on…. How many books can they read this term? How many authors can…

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  • Equal Access – Girls’ Football in Schools

    Herts Sport & Physical Activity Partnership – Digital Girls Football Partnership have awarded Wormley Primary a trophy for delivering equal access for girls’ football both within the curriculum…

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MyMaths is available from home!


Image result for my maths

We have just renewed our subscription to MyMaths which is an interactive online teaching and home learning resource aligned to the National Curriculum. It is used in school for  teaching, practising and assessing children’s maths performance. It is also available from home to help parents help their children and enable you to see how they are progressing.

All pupils from year 1 to year 6 will be bringing home a letter which contains their log-in details for the website :

Please make the most of this excellent resource!

Is your child entitled to pupil premium?


We believe that every student at Wormley Primary should have the opportunity to achieve the best possible start to life. We are committed to breaking down any barriers to outstanding achievement and attainment.

The pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils from reception to year 11. Funding is for children from low-income families who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (FSM ‘Ever 6’) or are looked after children or from families with parents in the Armed Forces. If you think your child may be eligible for this additional funding then let us know or visit:

Years 3 – 6: Use the above link to check eligibility and apply for pupil premium

Reception, Year 1 or 2: Although your child will automatically receive universal free school meals, you should still register on the above link as, if eligible, the school could get extra money to support your child

Pre-school & Nursery: Please speak  to the school directly

Pupils lead collective worship


Earlier this week, our new Year 6 worship team led a whole school assembly to teach about this month’s Christian value of commitment. They planned the assembly themselves with a clear message about the importance of being committed to everything we do. With some drama, poetry, prayer and singing they led a fabulous assembly. Well done! 


Children in Need


Please support Pupil Parliament with their fund raising for Children in Need.

On Friday November 17th, pupils (and staff!) can wear pyjamas and slippers to school in return for a £1 donation.

There will also be a cake sale on the KS2 playground after school on that same day. Please donate generously.

The art bus is open for business!


On Monday 6th November, our sponsors of Wormley Community Art Bus gathered for a blessing of the bus, led by Reverend Malcolm Finlay. After a year of hard toil, this exciting learning place is officially open for business. Pupils are already enjoying their art lessons in this bespoke environment. Soon, parent and toddlers will make art together and we may attract an artist in residence to hold art clubs during holidays for the local community. The bus is a vision by Art Leader, Ashleigh Davies,  who sourced an old London Bus and converted it into an amazing art studio.