On Tuesday 26th September Reverend Quant led our Harvest Festivals for children and families in Nursery and Reception. He told the story of Moses who led the Israelites through the desert and asked God to provide food for his people. The children sang Harvest songs and brought donations of food for the Wormley Food Bank. We are learning to share our blessings.
It was a lovely occasion, shared by families. Thank you to Reverend Quant who entertained us with stories and interesting props! That’s Reverend Quant in the tent.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1.1
This month explore the creation and the beauty of the world through RE and Worship. This will thread through our Harvest Festivals.
Read about the start to term, upcoming events, clubs and much much more in the latest photo packed edition of News on the 19th.
Research indicates that regular attendance leads to better academic achievement and social development. At Wormley we expect a minimum of 96% attendance. Although 90% might sound OK it is almost 4 weeks absence!
How can parents/carers help?
Unplanned absence: Call the school absence line before 9am. If we have not heard from you we will text/call and expect that you will reply. Unexplained absences will be followed-up.
Planned absence: Complete an absence request form (available at front reception) and return it to school at least 2 weeks prior to the absence. Medical evidence may be requested.
Medical appointments: Where possible, medical appointments should be made out of school hours. Children need to return after appointments if appropriate.
Holidays: Holidays in term time will not be authorised and should not be booked
Lateness: Ensure the children are in school on time. If you are late, you must register the children at front reception. Persistent lateness is not fair on the child and negatively affects their learning.
If your child is experiencing any difficulties that are affecting their attendance please speak with the class teacher immediately. It is important that we work together to ensure your child is safe, happy and ready to learn!
Thank you for your support.
Mr Emmett
We had our first sprinkling of snow last week so here is a reminder of our weather procedures.
Information will be sent by text message and updates will be added to the Wormley APP and the Wormley Facebook page.
BBC Three Counties Radio (95.4FM) will also broadcast any school closures. As always, safety comes first and the roads can be treacherous during bad weather, so only travel if it is safe to do so. The best way to contact the school if you are concerned is via telephone or email: admin@wormley.herts.sch.uk. We will try and respond as quickly as we can.