Social Learning

Recent Posts

  • #Youbelong

    Lat week all the children participated in a belonging project #youbelong. We wanted everyone to feel proud of who they are, their background and their interests.  It was…

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  • Sports Events

    Congratulations to the Football A Team who who were runners-up last week at Cranbourne School. The boys were unbeaten until the final where they narrowly lost 0-1 to…

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  • Science Week 2024

    We have all enjoyed an amazing science week Nursery-Y4 investigated animals including humans and living things and their habitats. We had a visit from Safari Pete on Wednesday…

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  • Safe Learn Respect

    A group of Year 5 & 6 children wrote and recorded a song for our school. The song is the children’s message to each other about how to…

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    We are sharing a photo of our new sports kits: football kit, running kit and netball skorts/shorts were purchased partly using money raised from the sale of pre-loved…

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Wormley Super Social Learners

Since 2014, Wormley Primary School has been promoting the Social Learning Agenda (SLA). The SLA is about the school community coming together to try and maximise every child’s learning potential. It’s about developing children as happy, engaged life-long learners; not just good students. It’s about children feeling in control and taking ownership of their own learning.

The aims of the Social Learning Agenda are to:

  • Allow children to grow in awareness of themselves and others
  • Equip the children with the knowledge and skills so they can successfully navigate the social world they are a part of
  • Maximise learning potential in school and increase children’s participation and engagement in their families and communities

Wormley Social Learning Model


An important part of the SLA is evolving the ethos of the school and promoting the idea that children are partners in their learning.

The Agents

To teach the children about what it means to be a ‘Super Social Leaner’ we have created The Agents. There are 7 learning agents and 4 wellbeing agents which we consider essential for the ‘Wormley Learner’. Each agent has it’s own story, characteristics and symbols. Each story is told through a short movie. The Agents aim to make learning about how to become a better learner fun and memorable.  A new agent is introduced to the children every two weeks during Tuesday’s collective worship assembly. Meet The Learning Agents in the ‘Deploy Your Agents’ film.

Agent Curious

Agent Considerate

Agent Resilience

Agent Creative

Agent Reflective

Agent Confident

Agent Strategy



Deploy Your Agents!


Examples of social learning in action

  • Enrichment days
  • Pupil Parliament
  • Projects
  • Collective worship
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Staff training and team building
  • Teacher Led Development Work
  • Forest School
  • Inter-house competitions

Enrichment Days

To explore The Agents and immerse the children in social learning, we dedicate days of the year where the focus is on particular characteristics of The Agents.

For example:

  • Living History Day
  • Hello Yellow- World Mental Health Day
  • Music Day
  • Love Your Planet Day
  • Heroes of Black History