We have a packed half term ahead of us! We are looking forward to PGL at Liddington next week where the children will have the opportunity to take part in some amazing activities and team-building exercises. Upon our return, we will be experiencing Viking life with a ‘History off the Page’ workshop on the 26th September. Pupils are encouraged to dress-up as Vikings and will listen to Viking tales, make amulets and candles, plus many more fun and educational activities.
We have also researched, designed, made and evaluated our very own tie-dye t-shirt. The creations were amazing, with a variety of different colours and patterns which children will wear on the way to PGL!
Year 6 is a very exciting year and below is some useful information that will come in handy this year.
Please ensure your child brings their book bag, reading book, reading record, homework diary and water bottle to school every day. Equipment, such as pens and pencils, are provided in class.
Home Learning
Home learning is set on a Thursday and is to be handed in on a Tuesday. We will aim to offer your child as much choice over home learning tasks as possible, through a choice chart. There may also be occasions where a set task is to be completed by all.
Home learning should be completed in addition to daily reading, spelling practice, mental maths. Children are expected to log onto My Maths, SPAG.com and TT Rock Star websites daily. Log ins for these websites were given to your chid in Year 5.
Children will receive a weekly spelling list, including words from the statutory spelling list (the full list can be found in your reading records) or a spelling rule. Spellings will usually be tested on a Thursday.
Reading Record
Daily reading should be noted in the reading record. This will be checked weekly.
Our history topic is the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Our class reading book and much of our English learning is linked to this topic.
In Maths, we will start to explore numbers up to 10 million then move to calculation. Further details regarding Year 6 Maths can be found on our website.
In Science, we will be working scientifically to explore light and electricity. Whilst in RE, our focus is on the Buddhist religion and how this compares to Christianity.
Our specialist French teacher, Mrs Richards, will deliver French every Friday afternoon.
There are also some exciting design and technology projects, including tie-dye t-shirts and Christmas gifts. We have a planned trip to HRC for Crucial Crew, a pantomime and Year 6 traditionally hold a Carol Concert in the last week of term.
Your child will take part in PE lessons every Thursday afternoon. They will need a full PE kit in school every week including a light blue t shirt (with the Wormley logo if possible), blue or black shorts, blue or black joggers / tracksuit, socks, sports trainers.
Additionally, the children will be taking part in the Daily Mile initiative where the aim is to be active for 15 minutes per day. They may wish to have comfortable shoes or trainers in school every day to enable them to take part in this.
We will invite you to a SATs information evening in the Spring term. In the meantime, you can prepare by being actively involved in learning both at home and in school.
Thank you,
The Year 6 Team
Stingray Class: Mrs Newland, Mrs Barton- Hagger & Mrs Trott
Shark Class: Mr Webb & Mrs Ferdenzi
Supported by: Mrs Jurkowska & Mrs Mason