News Feed

Recent Posts

  • Great Athlete Sponsorship

    We are delighted to announce that the children raised £5,331.40 from the athlete visit by Steve Frew! This means we were able to donate £3,585.61 to support British…

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  • Caring for the World

    Year 3 have been invited to write poems about caring for the world as home learning. Here is a poem from Kiera in Lobsters   I went to…

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  • British Athlete Visit -Steve Frew

    On Tuesday 25th March, former British gymnast and Commonwealth medallist, Steve Frew attended school to lead a fitness circuit and assembly for the children. Steve told the story…

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  • Steve Frew will be visiting Wormley Primary

    We are thrilled to be able to share some more information about our upcoming Great Athletes event. We are excited to announce that the athlete who will be…

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    We are trying hard to encourage healthy eating including eating vegetables and fruit at lunchtime. It is quite hard work! However, it is very important to establish healthy…

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Hello Yellow Day


To celebrate World Mental Health Day we will be holding our annual Hello Yellow Day on Friday 9th October.

Our themes this year are resilience, calmness and exercise.  Will will be looking closely at  Agent Resilient, Agent Mindful and Agent Kinetic.

During the day the children will engage activities such as a special assembly, mindfulness, creating a wellbeing shield, cross country and orienteering.

The children need to come in their PE kit and may wear something yellow if they like but this is not essential.


Updated Covid-19 Information


Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your continued support with our plans to limit the risk of Covid-19 in school.

To help further we have updated information about potential symptoms, pupil absence and what to do in a range of scenarios here: Covid-19 pupil absence guide – 210920 (1)

We understand getting tested is becoming increasingly difficult and therefore sticking to the isolation guidelines is very important.  Where parents and carers have managed to seek advice from a GP or 111, the process has been much clearer and easier to follow. If a child is returning to school after a negative test or at the end of the isolation period, please would you let the school know in advance.

We thank you again for working so well with us.

You will find all our information on our  Covid- 19  section of our website.




Your Story


Wormley and Turnford Big Local

Building a Cohesive and Sustainable Community Together


What’s ‘Your Story’? 
Wormley and Turnford is for everyone but do we know the stories of our whole community?

Are you living in Wormley and Turnford and black or part of an ethnic minority with a story to tell? We’re running three drop in creative writing workshops with support from Trestle Theatre, to provide an opportunity to share those stories.

These online sessions will feed into a short film we’re making celebrating the diverse community of Wormley and Turnford as a creative response to the Black Lives Matter movement.

The sessions are suitable for ages 8+, and all skills of story telling!

Monday 14 September, 6-7pm
Thursday 17 September, 6-7pm
Sunday 20
 September, 1-2pm

Story tellers are welcome to join any of the sessions above, by booking using the link below… We look forward to hearing your tales of the area.

Zoom links will be sent to all participants after booking.


Welcome to year 3!


We are really looking forward to seeing you on Thursday 3rd September. A letter will be sent to you regarding all the key information. However just to let you know that children will not need any equipment except a book bag and water bottle. PE kit will need to be worn on their PE day (Monday). The children will not be getting changed into PE kits at school. Please make sure they are wearing appropriate kit (see website).
Children should be dropped off via the front gate, entrance near the office between 8.45 -8.55 am. Pick up from the same place between 3.10 – 3.20 pm.

This term we will learning lots of exciting things. We will start the year with lots of getting to know you and well being activities. We will also being getting active and having fun.

Mrs Bolden, Miss Davies, Miss Willox, Mrs Langston, Mrs Wyatt

Starting Back to School



Dear parents and carers,

In preparation for the start of term, Thursday 3rd September, please find below our most up to date arrangements for the opening school. You will have also received this update via email so please take the time to familiarise yourself with the procedures before attending the school.

We are looking forward to welcoming all the children back and meeting those you who will be new to our school community.


If for any reason you are unable to open the link paste this address into your search bar

If you have any queries please contact the school on