Dear Parents and Carers
I think it fair to say it is the end of possibly the most unusual half-term of school we have ever experienced. We wish you all a good and safe half-term break.
This afternoon you should have received information about our plans for next half-term via your email acount.
If you have not received this information, please email the school with your current email address.
You can find the most up-to-date information on the school website [Paste the link into your search bar if the link does not work]
Bets wishes to everyone!
This time last week, we were all celebrating VE day in our own social distancing ways.
I hope all of your children had a great bank holiday weekend and learnt more about the sacrifices the older generations made to keep us safe – just as our key-workers are doing today.
Attached are some of the images from the day – early years learning, decorations, street parties and cakes!
Managing mental health and wellbeing: advice for families
Nationally many parents and carers have expressed that they are concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on their child’s mental health and wellbeing and access to support services.
Two new Parent Info articles explore how parents and carers can support their child’s mental health, and highlight things they can do to manage the wellbeing challenges of family life under lockdown:
Cyber Security Advice during Coronavirus (SWGfL)
As the world grapples with management of coronavirus, people are keen to find information about the disease, and cyber criminals are using the public’s fear and interest to their advantage, creating new scams and targeting individuals, organisations and even whole industries and countries.
You can find out more information about how to tackle those harms here:
Child online safety during lockdown: where to report
With children spending more time on the internet during lockdown, it’s more important than ever for parents and carers and their children to know the best reporting and support routes, should they be worried about something online.
This new ParentInfo article signposts to reporting, advice and support services available for children and their families.
For further excellent advice for online safety go to
As we start another week of remote learning we wanted to give a few quick reminders and draw your attention to a few helpful resouces.
Learning from Home
Thank you for continuing to support the children with their learning from home. As we mentioned last week, this is not without significant challenges.
All children from Y1-6 have a Google Classroom account where daily activities are posted. Children from the Early Years continue to use Tapestry. Last week we published a set of FAQs with information to help parents with managing these platforms. The FAQs were posted on this blog, on social media and emailed to all parents. If your child needs more support accessing learning from home, please contact the school. We can help with techncal support over the phone and provide learning packs where appropriate.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have identified a range of useful websites and information to help parents and children at this time. The website can be found here:
The webpage can also be downloaded as a pdf here:
Stay at home activities for children and young people
Well-being charity, Action for Happiness have published their Meaningful May calendar full of ideas and top tips to help us respond to the global crisis with a sense of purpose and meaning.
Wishing you a safe and happy week.
Wormley Primary School