Wormley C of E Primary follow the 2014 Primary National Curriculum. Parents can find more information about the National curriculum by following the link below. On this page you find links to supporting documents specific to each of the main areas of our curriculum. Please note the curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure we are providing the knowledge and skills suitable for all children. If you require more specific information speak with the class teacher or contact the school admin team.
The entire National Curriculum can be viewed following this link
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in Art and Design
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in Computing
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in DT
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in English October 2021
To teach phonics in a systematic way we follow Letters and Sounds. Below you find an information leaflet outlining our approach.
Letters and sounds information for parents
Click Here for our EYFS prospectus
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Framework
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in MFL October 2021
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in Geography
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in History
Maths Curriculum Resources Page
Approach to teaching and learning in maths
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in Music
Developing an Approach to teaching and learning in PE
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in Science
Developing an approach to teaching and learning in RE
Religious Education and Worldviews Policy